Hi there 👋

I’m Tiago, Software Quality Engineer and this is my personal blog site

  • 🌱 I’m current learning more about Bitcoin
  • 💬 Ask me about Agile Testing (Web/Mobile/API), Agile Methodologies, Cypress, Selenium, Appium, Maestro, Robotframework, WebdriverIO, Applitools, Browserstack, etc.

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QA? No. Quality Engineer!

Introduction Writing about the role of QA in software development teams is crucial to understanding the evolution of the area and the importance of moving away from the old perception that QA is limited to only “testing software”. This article aims to clarify the differences between the roles of Tester, QA (Quality Assurance) and QE (Quality Engineer) and challenges faced by a QA professional within a development team. Differences between Tester, QA and QE Tester is the more traditional and general used term and is more directly associated with performing manual tests....

April 26, 2024 · 3 min · 593 words · by Tiago Góes

On the fallacy of diversity and plurality of thought in the labor market

Much is said about diversity and inclusion nowdays; this is not a subject to be considered “a plus” within companies and in society in general, but rather essential for us as individuals to grow as human beings. With all the discussion on the labor market about the importance of the theme, I came to draw attention to the hiring process of companies. So, how can we think of diversity and pluralism if the “doors are closed” even in the hiring process?...

July 18, 2023 · 2 min · 357 words · by Tiago Góes